How to Turn a MOOC Into an Engaging Marketing Vehicle

By Henry Kronk July 07, 2018

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Many learners and education professionals tend to look on MOOCs with the same lens. Headlines declare that ‘MOOCs Are Dead,’ with the implication that an entire species is on the verge of extinction. The MOOC-sphere in reality is a diverse ecosystem. In their landmark study, MOOCs: Expectations and Reality, Professors Fiona Hollands and Devayani Tirthali describe how, “colleges and universities have adopted several different stances towards engaging with MOOCs and are using them as vehicles to pursue multiple goals.” With that in mind, eLearning Inside got in touch with Dr. Satesh Bidaisee, a professor of public health at St. George’s University (SGU) to discuss how they have implemented their MOOC and why they push for such high completion rates.

These Unique Summer MOOCs Start This Month

By Henry Kronk July 02, 2018

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summer moocs

Summer has officially arrived, and many normally busy and productive schedules have begun to loosen up. And with more free time, many head off to the beach, to the lake, to the patio, or anywhere else where the sun’s rays fall. But for those who like to put their extra hours to use, summer can be an excellent season for learning. It just so happens that many many massive open online courses (MOOCs) are beginning in July. Summer MOOCs are a great alternative to reading or solving yet another sudoku puzzle while getting your tan on.

How Do You Make MOOCs More Inclusive?

By Henry Kronk June 24, 2018

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“We actually had people who affiliated or consider themselves affiliated to radical groups in the same conversations with Nigerian police officers and American agents and Poland refugee workers, etc.,” the professor recalls. “So it was really interesting, really active and productive.”

Train Your Dog This Summer And Learn How He/She Thinks With These MOOCs

By Henry Kronk June 10, 2018

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dog emotion

Summer is a time to get outdoors and explore new places with your four-legged friends. But when stuck inside on a rainy day, you might want to consider enrolling in one or two MOOCs that can make your relationship with your dog even more fulfilling. Starting this week on Coursera, “Dog Emotion and Cognition” will take learners on a deep dive into dog psychology.

MOOC Expert Fiona Hollands Makes A Suggestion and a Prediction

By Henry Kronk June 01, 2018

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Delivering a keynote address at this week’s Open edX 2018 conference, MOOC expert Fiona Hollands made two predictions about the future of her research subject. But before we get there, the senior researcher and Associate Director at the Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education, Teachers College of Columbia University had some things to say about MOOCs in general.

edX CEO Anant Agarwal Announces Ambitious Goals for 2022

By Henry Kronk May 31, 2018

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On Wednesday, edX CEO Anant Agarwal took the stage at the University of Montreal to kick off the Open edX 2018 conference. As many CEOs might in Agarwal’s position, he began with a rundown of edX’s accomplishments. Following the model of the United Nations, he also laid out what he called Reimagine Education Goals, which he hopes to accomplish by 2022.

Goldman Sachs Launches Their 10,000 Women Entrepreneurial Course as a Coursera MOOC

By Henry Kronk May 22, 2018

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Goldman Sachs

Since its role in the recession beginning in late 2007, Goldman Sachs has committed itself to operating in a more ethical manner. On Monday, the company launched their 10,000 Women initiative, an effort to support female entrepreneurs with education and an expanded network. It will comprise primarily of an online course hosted by Coursera.

Grading with AI: How Kadenze Powers Its Online Fine Arts Courses

By Henry Kronk March 09, 2018

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To fine art purists, Kadenze does the unthinkable. Not only does it offer art courses that span “Designing Synthesizer Sounds” to “Custom Handlettering”; it grades student work with artificial intelligence (AI).

Udemy, Copyright Infringement, and Napster: Some Double Standards of the DMCA

By Henry Kronk February 20, 2018

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Earlier this month, YouTuber Chris Hawkes posted a video proving that the MOOC(ish) provider Udemy had used one of his instructional videos without his permission. Hawkes makes videos relating broadly to the tech industry. A Udemy ‘professor’ had incorporated one of his videos on Python into his or her class.

The Top-Rated Science MOOC Is All About Mountains

By Henry Kronk February 18, 2018

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The thing about learning about mountains is that you won’t just learn about mountains. The course, led by University of Albert Professors David Hik and Zac Robinson, goes over the processes that create mountains, the diverse ecosystems that form on their slopes, their water cycles, their cultural significance, the communities that form around mountains, how they are conserved, and what a changing climate will mean for them.