Bahamas Launches Preschool Pilot eLearning Project

By Henry Kronk December 08, 2017

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Once the rollout is complete, eleven preschools will benefit from the program: six on New Providence (the country’s biggest island which includes Nassau), and five in the Family islands.

Lighthouse Guild Announces Vision Rehabilitation eLearning Initiative

By Henry Kronk November 14, 2017

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vision rehabilitation

“It is important that all ophthalmologists understand how vision rehabilitation can help their patients,” said Dr. Alan Morse, President and CEO of Lighthouse Guild in a statement.

Oregon State University Ecampus Just Launched an eLearning Database to Help Professors Take Their Courses Online

By Henry Kronk November 11, 2017

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Oregon State University grad 2011

One of the biggest challenges in eLearning today is that there are so many potential applications of great technology. It’s easy to drown in possibilities. What’s more, there’s a lot of relevant information and research that has been conducted on the effects of eLearning, but work tends to be more specific than general. In compiling known research together, it’s possible that a potential online teacher will miss invaluable information.

If You Build It, They Will Game: The Training Arcade and the Future of Gamified eLearning

By Henry Kronk November 04, 2017

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The Training Arcade hosts a library of games. These games tend to be simple, combine player finesse with problem solving and memory recall. Instructors can select a variety of these and customize them (with the help of the program’s online editor) for a specific subject, class, or course.

Who is Pocketing all the Money Businesses Spend in the Corporate eLearning Market?

By Sherman Morrison November 02, 2017

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Businesses are spending more money than ever on eLearning for their employees, and much of it is paid out to vendors who provide content authoring tools, ready-made learning content, learning management systems, and customized eLearning services. When market research company Technavio reported on the global corporate eLearning market in 2016, it predicted an 11% CAGR […]

WOZ U: A New Chapter for Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak

By Sherman Morrison November 01, 2017

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It’s too early to say whether WOZ U will be able to deliver on its rather “full stack” of promises to transform tech education, but you can bet it will be something tech industry aficionados will be keeping an eye as the specifics of the venture continues to emerge.

Why Virtual Schools Lag Behind on School Ranking Surveys

By Cait Etherington October 23, 2017

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online courses

The number of K-12 virtual schools in the United States continues to grow, but to date, with few exceptions (for example, the thriving example of Stanford Online High School), virtual K-12 schools  continue to receive substandard ratings on school surveys. But why is this case? Are K-12 virtual schools necessarily less rigorous than brick and […]

Tenneco and Axalta Tinker with Automotive ELearning

By Henry Kronk October 23, 2017

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With their Master Certification program, refinish technicians in training tune in to an interactive video stream of a lecture. In the afternoon, they apply the skills they’ve learned on a project. After capturing the process on video, they send it to their instructors to get their feedback.

Corporate Microlearning Examples: Real-World Case Studies

By Sherman Morrison October 22, 2017

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The Axonify solution was implemented in 150+ distribution centers throughout the US where it was made available to 75,000+ employees. At any point during their shift, workers can log on to the Axonify platform and spend 3-5 minutes playing a game that involves answering safety questions. The system gives instant feedback and remembers responses, allowing workers to not only immediately see where they need improvement, but also reinforcing the knowledge they already have.

“Learn to Code,” Says Everyone, Everywhere

By Henry Kronk October 20, 2017

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If someone could run the world with a broadband connection and a knowledge of coding from Norfork, Ark., as Gov. Hutchinson says, then they would also probably get around in their flying car.