What if someone told you ten years back that a social media marketing specialist could make more money than a medical doctor? Would you have believed them? The past ten years have shown that digital jobs in the fields of information technology have exploded. From ordering cabs with our smartphones to taking help from medical practitioners online, the world is increasingly turning to tech for all its needs.
This means that there has been a massive rise in the demand for specialized professionals in these fields. In this article, we are going to look at five job profiles in the field of IT and digital technology.
Top 5 High Demand Digital Jobs in 2020
Blockchain Developer
Blockchain technology is one of the hottest new technological trends. Industries from healthcare to shipping, from FMCGs to telecom are now using blockchain technologies to streamline business operations. Blockchain technology is a secure, fast, and transparent way to transfer documents, files, do transactions, and establish communications. This is why blockchain developers are in high demand.
Digital Marketer
Many people think that Jeff Bezos is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world. Some might qualify this by saying that he is the most accomplished digital marketer in the world. Amazon has effectively used all the best practices of digital marketing to reach the position it is at.
As a field of specialization, digital marketing is booming. From growing eCommerce websites to building a brand online, to increasing sales and revenues, businesses are looking for experienced and innovative digital marketers in 2020.
Social Media Marketing Specialist
If you think social media is all about make-up videos and fashion, think again. With over five billion active users on different social media platforms, it is important to get your brand in front of the right audience. This is why brands are pulling out all stops to ensure the best presence on social media platforms.
This is where the role of a social media marketing specialist becomes critical. From devising the content strategy to establishing the right communication channels, the right social media can help you improve your sales, build your brand and increase revenues.
Data Analyst
The importance given to big data by companies both big and small has made the role and position of a data analyst an enviable one. If you are a successful and good data analyst in any of the big tech companies, you will probably be making more money than an MBA.
There are several aspects of handling big data – collection, governance, security, processing, etc. Big companies have started putting a lot of emphasis on data and using it as an important strategy for business operations. This is why the role of a data analyst is increasing every single day.
Cyber Security Expert
While many people think of cybersecurity as part of their IT budget, the businesses that do understand the importance of security are hiring professionals. Cybersecurity is slowly emerging as one of the key areas of brand management.
In many ways, it is critically linked to a company’s growth and revenue figures. Many of the more established colleges and universities like Aventis.edu.sg have now started offering courses on cyber security to people who are looking to make a name for themselves in the industry.
The Final Word
In 2020, nearly every aspect of our world revolves around technology and digital. With the coronavirus pandemic bringing the world to a stop, digital technology has been able to save us in a major way.
Featured Image: Damian Zaleski, Unsplash.
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