Editor’s Picks
Higher Education
Online Learning Best Practices and Resources from Dr. Rhianna Rogers
By Henry Kronk
March 26, 2020
Dr. Rhianna Rogers is an associate professor of interdisciplinary studies at SUNY Empire State College. Part of her work has led her to specialize in remote and online learning in higher education. Dr. Rogers has led numerous remote residency programs, online learning initiatives, and collaborative online international learning (COIL) functions, among other efforts.
She recently shared insights for instructors maintaining instructional continuity for our previous coronavirus-related coverage. Below, one can find a list of her published scholarly articles, videos, and podcasts regarding online learning.

Rogers, R. (2014). Using Open Resources to Your Advantage: How to Effectively Incorporate OERs into College Assignments. ALL ABOUT MENTORING, 51. Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/7308246/Using_Open_Resources_to_Your_Advantage_How_to_Effectively_Incorporate_OERs_into_College_Assignments
Rogers, R. (2014). OPEN SUNY – COTE NOTE: OER Theory and Methods. SUNY- COTE Fellow Series. Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/7868024/Open_SUNY_Center_for_Online_Teaching_Excellence_COTE_Speaker_Note_OER_Theory_and_Methods
Rogers. R. (2014). OPEN SUNY – COTE: OER Practical Applications. OPEN SUNY – COTE Fellow Series. Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/7868035/Open_SUNY_Center_for_Online_Teaching_Excellence_COTE_Speaker_Note_OER_Practical_Applications
Mercer, J., Pisutova, K., & Rogers, R. (2018, March). From mystery to mastery: Creating & enhancing the ultimate virtual classroom experience. In 2018 COIL Conference Proceedings (pp. 112-124). Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/37310888/From_mystery_to_mastery_Creating_and_enhancing_the_ultimate_virtual_classroom_experience
Pisutova, K., Rogers, R. C., & Mercer, J. (2018, November). Engaging Students at a Distance: Advantages and Pitfalls of Video-Conference use in Teaching. In 2018 16th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA) (pp. 431-438). IEEE.
Rogers. R. (2014). OPEN SUNY – COTE: OER Theory and Methods. OPEN SUNY – COTE Fellow Series. Retrieved from: https://learn.esc.edu/media/SUNY+COTE+OER+Webinar+-+Theories+%26+Methods/1_o0kz71kc/62991901
Rogers. R. (2014). OPEN SUNY – COTE: OER Practical Applications. OPEN SUNY – COTE Fellow Series. Retrieved from: https://learn.esc.edu/media/SUNY+COTE+OER+Webinar+-+Examples/1_73xrnbn6
Rogers, R. (2015). SUNY Empire OER Tutorial Series: Engaging Students with Technology: Creating Engaging Course Resources – How to Develop OERs Using Screencastomatic: https://vimeo.com/129792731
Rogers, R. (2015). SUNY Empire OER Tutorial Series: Engaging Students with Technology: Creating Engaging Course Resources – How to Develop OERs Using Blogger: https://vimeo.com/132149870
Rogers, R. et. al (2017). SUNY Empire State College – Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP) Webinar Series. SUNY Empire State College. Retrieved from: https://1838561.mediaspace.kaltura.com/channel/Tools+of+Engagement+Project+%28TOEP%29+Webinar+Series/40774531
Rogers, R. et. al (2017). SUNY COIL Webinar – Benefits of Virtual Exchange. SUNY COIL and Stevens Initiative. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bevc6DTYicA
Rogers, R. (2017). Zoom Breakout Room Tutorial. SUNY Empire International Programs. Retrieved from: https://vimeo.com/264764136
Rogers, R. (2018). SUNY Effective Practice Award Showcase: Virtual Learning and OER Integration into Your Teaching. SUNY CIT Conference. Retrieved from: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cFhY03bp9K
Rogers, R. & Clemens, S. (2018). Using Zoom and Zoom Breakout Rooms to Engage Learners. Digital Day Conference 2018. Saratoga Springs. Retrieved from: https://learn.esc.edu/media/Using+Zoom+Breakout+Rooms+to+engage+with+students+-+Wednesday%2C+January+10%2C+2018+3.02.10+PM/1_47q34dnc/88359311
Pisutova, K., Rogers, R. C., & Mercer, J. (2018, November). Engaging Students at a Distance: Advantages and Pitfalls of Video-Conference use in Teaching Recording. In 2018 16th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA) (pp. 431-438). IEEE. Retrieved from: https://vimeo.com/300585872
Rogers, R. (2019). SUNY Empire State College – Center for Mentoring, Learning, and Academic Innovation. How to Effectively Incorporate OERs into College-level Assignments. Retrieved from: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-kuapk-b99730?utm_campaign=u_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=u_share
Rogers, R. (2020). Online Learning to Bridge Cultural Divides. Policy Outsider Podcast – Rockefeller Institute of Government. Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/RockefellerInst/status/1237360184013598721?s=20
Bio: Dr. Rhianna C. Rogers is an expert on cultural and ethnic studies, intercultural competencies and diversity education, cultural mediation, and virtual exchange programmatic development and implementation. Rogers is currently the inaugural Rockefeller Institute of Government-Ernest Boyer Presidential Fellow in the Center for Law and Policy Solutions (2019-present) and was the college-wide Coordinator of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (2017-2019.) Rogers has won multiple awards for her innovative approach to teaching and learning, including, most recently, the 2019-2020 SUNY Empire Provost/Associate Dean Innovation Award, the 2018-2019 Explorations in Diversity & Academic Excellence Award (EDAE), the 2017-2018 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the inaugural 2015 Open SUNY Online Effective Practice Award.
Rogers has been a part of a variety of SUNY-wide initiatives related to her expertise in online learning including consulting on multiple IITGs (Innovative Instruction Technology Grants), Lumina grants, participating as a Stevens Initiative – sponsored COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) Instructor as well as offering collegial support as a OPEN-SUNY Center Online Teaching Excellence (COTE) and Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP) fellow in Open Educational Resources (OER) and online academic innovation.
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