Industry News
Scribbles Software Launches New Features For Student Enrollment and Records
By eLearning Inside
January 23, 2023
Scribbles Software, a leading provider of K-12 records and enrollment software, announced several new product features for 2023, including ScribDashboard, a new online dashboard for ScribTransfer that provides important insights to school districts about where students are going when they transfer out of the district.
Other new features include the ability for families to select multiple program preferences with a single application, view imported student applicable data and other details relevant to their applications for choice programs or lotteries, and performance upgrades to make the software faster and more responsive.
Information, Easier and Faster
“Our mission is to improve records management for school districts and provide them with valuable data to support their enrollment and choice programs. Our latest product features will help them make getting this information even easier and faster,” said Misty Reinhardt, product manager for Scribbles Software.
“The ScribDashboard especially will be a big help to districts seeking insight about where students go when they leave so they can create strategies to recruit and retain students in the future.”
Scribbles Software focuses on paperless processes, data security, choice management programs, and cloud-based solutions. Its software helps schools streamline K-12 student records and enrollment through a single, accessible, cloud-based system.
The New Product Features
ScribDashboard is an online dashboard that provides districts with insights about transfer data. Its colour-coded charts help districts easily understand and analyze when students left and where they went.
For example, a pie chart might show that the majority of students who left transferred to private schools, virtual academies, or neighboring districts. The district can sort by date ranges, or drill down to see data for a specific school. This type of data helps districts as they develop strategies to help retain students and attract new ones.
Supporting Choice Program Management: Automatic tiering of applications in order of a student’s preference. This allows districts to easily see which program is the student’s top choice if they have applied for multiple choice programs.
Daily email notifications for choice program managers sharing how many applications were accepted within the last 24 hours and how many are still pending or in progress.
Alerts for parents who set up accounts, but didn’t complete their child’s application.
Improved searching and navigation.
Performance upgrades include improvements to the responsiveness of the mobile-friendly site, faster processing time and smoother login experience.
Scribbles Software partners with K-12 educational communities to enhance, streamline, and simplify their student records processes to strengthen the family engagement experience. The company has helped more than 10,000 K-12 schools and districts with its online student records management, enrollment systems, choice programs, lottery management, and reporting. Scribbles Software helps its district partners provide equitable, open access to school district resources to students, families, and community organizations– beginning with PreK enrollment and continuing with digital transcript orders post-graduation.
Featured image: Ridofranz, iStock.
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