How Online Resources Like BetterHelp Are Serving Learners During COVID-19
By eLearning Inside
September 18, 2020
Everything around us points to the importance of learning. One of the best investments you can make for the mind is to continue learning. Our traditional system of learning involves a classroom setting. When COVID-19 broke out, that was no longer possible.
Several schools around the world had to shut their doors. One-on-one learning became untenable. For this reason, turning to online learning seemed like a forced alternative. Here’s what’s impressive about online learning. It also has fantastic advantages.
Understanding Online Learning
There is no longer a clear distinction between online and in-person learning. Education today invariably involves a mix of both. A high percentage of students perform research by typing out terms on a search bar. Online learning is more prominent than we can imagine.
But online learning can feel isolating. These isolated settings can bring out nascent mental health issues that were lingering under the surface before lock down measures were put in place. This is where online counseling can make a difference. Counselors can speak to you without the need to be physically present.
They provide the essential things you require when you’re on the other side of the screen. For this reason, BetterHelp is beneficial. They provide help and support at challenging times. Moreover, to a tremendous small extent, this has brought about a high degree of ease. Click here to download the BetterHelp app for Android devices. There are many other benefits to this method of learning. Here are some of them:
High Levels of Flexibility: Learning offline has a certain level of pressure it inflicts. Both you and your teacher or counselor need to meet up to a fixed schedule. Factors like transportation and more can be a significant hindrance. However, with online learning in place, you don’t need to go through that process.
It provides an excellent level of flexibility. All you need is your laptop or mobile device and a good internet connection.
A wide selection of programs: Online learning doesn’t stop at providing flexibility. It also provides a wide range of programs. As a person, you have so much to learn. All you need to do is understand your pace. Besides, most online learning platforms don’t have daily opening and closing times.
However, you may be provided with an estimated duration to complete the program. Some extend to weeks and some months. Since there is more flexibility, there might as well be more programs or courses for your benefit.
Comfort: This thought is “probably” what flashes through your mind when you hear the words “online learning.” There’s a great deal of comfort attached to online learning. However, this is different from flexibility. Regarding comfort, this means you can learn anywhere you decide to learn.
For instance, you can decide to speak to your counselor on your kitchen couch or study table. What matters here is your ability to comprehend what is being taught. Once you’re able to do that, there no other special requirements.
Low overall cost: Online learning is cheap; they don’t require extra fees. Chances are, all you need to pay for an online class is the tuition fee. Other added charges like accommodation or transportation are not needed. Additionally, multiple things can make you spend more when you participate in one-on-one learning.
We can’t ignore the advantages of online learning in Covid-19. It has gone beyond being a mere alternative. Now, it’s a better option in so many ways. For instance, you have no reason to hit the road to get to classes – All that can be done in your home’s comfort. Besides, the overall cost of learning compared to one-on-one learning is also on the low side.
Featured Image: Marjan Grabowski, Unsplash.
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