By Henry Kronk January 23, 2018
1128 6
A week has passed since I began Codecademy’s intensive web development course on “Building Websites from Scratch.” In my previous post, which was also my first, I discussed why I was skeptical of online coding courses like the one I’m taking and why I am learning to code in spite of that skepticism. This week […]
By Henry Kronk January 16, 2018
1620 0
“Learn to code” echoes unceasingly throughout the Internet. Industry leaders discuss the coming skills gap with the same concern that atmospheric scientists display toward climate change. I personally place significantly more trust in the group that follows the scientific method, but regardless, enough people have repeated their predictions for the future that a reasonable person might consider taking them seriously.
By Henry Kronk December 13, 2017
1353 1
Of the respondents, a majority did not intend to use the knowledge gleaned from their programs to develop software. A full 60% will apply their knowledge in some other way.
By Henry Kronk October 20, 2017
4454 5
If someone could run the world with a broadband connection and a knowledge of coding from Norfork, Ark., as Gov. Hutchinson says, then they would also probably get around in their flying car.