Industry News
LiFT Learning Introduces a New Way to Assess CBE
By eLearning Inside
September 25, 2022
LiFT Learning, creators of the leading portfolio assessment platform for competency-based education (CBE), today announced a major update allowing educators to capture and grade student learning wherever it happens- inside and outside the classroom.
The CBE company has also updated its user interface and has added a customizable, automatic gradebook that makes the feedback cycle easy to manage for busy educators.
Learning on the go!
“I appreciate that my district understands that learning is much more than just checking boxes. With LiFT, we are on our way to creating well-rounded citizens who see the value in curiosity and growth with each life experience,” said Joanna Fowler, English teacher at Twinfield Union School.
LiFT recognizes the valuable learning that happens outside the classroom. Every day parents and caregivers aid in their child’s learning—from how to solve a math problem to social and emotional skills. With LiFT’s new feature, students can submit learning artifacts from anywhere to educators, who can then measure, grade, and add them to a student’s LiFT portfolio. With LiFT, all learning counts.
More than just a classroom companion?
“Learning happens everywhere and all learning is valuable, regardless of whether it occurs during school hours or not” said David Lipkin, CEO and cofounder of LiFT Learning. “From mastering letter sounds as a young learner to effectively solving a conflict with a friend, a student’s LiFT portfolio will showcase growth achieved far beyond the classroom by the time they graduate high school.”
Additionally, new tools for assignments, portfolios, and class-level grading policies allow teachers to assess students within a variety of CBE and project-based learning (PBL) instructional models.
A supportive planning tool for Educators
The LiFT platform, in combination with professional development, instructional coaching, and framework development, allows schools and districts to confidently design and implement their unique learner-centered system. LiFT works with educators to help them realize and achieve goals, from planning their roadmap to consistently utilizing learner-centered best-practices, to celebrating success as learners build essential skills and learn how to learn.
LiFT Learning’s mission is to empower youth by providing technology and support to educators in building learner-centered systems. We’re accomplishing this by providing schools with a day-to-day learning platform built around voice and choice, real-world experience, and authentic assessment of essential skills. We believe that this can lead to an inclusive, equitable society where the gifts and abilities of every person are acknowledged, nurtured, and applied to solve the most pressing challenges we face as a global community.
Featured image: RafaPress, iStock.