eLearning Inside actively invites writers to submit an article to our site for publication. Before submitting, please read the guidelines below. While we try to respond to every submission, we receive a high volume every day. We cannot guarantee that we will respond to every one. If your submission is accepted, you will receive confirmation from our editors in advance of publication.
Our site covers the online learning and education technology sectors. If your submission does not relate to these fields, it will not be published (and you likely will not receive a response).
We accept submitted bylines in a range of different article styles. These can be news analyses, thought pieces, interviews, open letters, and more. We also maintain an Op-Ed section on our site. This is reserved for high-quality submissions we receive that provide opinion and thought leadership on current subjects. Please refer to our Op-Ed Submission Guidelines for more information.
Byline Article Submission Guidelines
-Your article should be original and free of plagiarism.
-Your article should be a minimum of 500 words in length. We do not set a maximum word count. However, every one of your words should count.
-Your article should contain a headline and at least two subheadings. It should also be edited and free of spelling, grammar, and syntax errors.
-Articles should be vendor-neutral.
Who can submit?
We accept byline submissions from anyone who has a stake in education technology and eLearning initiatives. Maybe you’re the CEO of an established edtech development company. Maybe you’re a 9th grade student with a unique take on your history teacher’s use of your school’s LMS. Maybe you’re a parent, teacher, edtech researcher, administrator, IT expert, community organizer, or non-profit leader. If you have interacted with education technology in some way, we want to hear from you.
What does an ideal byline look like?
We’re looking for articles that:
- Provide thought leadership
- Take a strong stance on a relevant topic relating to edtech or eLearning
- Back up this strong stance with personal experience and/or reliable evidence
- To get a better idea, read some of the articles we have published.
To Submit:
Please send your byline submissions to [email protected] with the subject line: Byline Submission.
eLearning Inside editors reserve the right to edit accepted submissions.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Featured Image: Kaitlyn Baker, Unsplash.
[…] world has been moving toward remote learning models since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world. Especially when it comes to educational institutes, educators are finding new ways to leverage and […]