A lot has been said about the technological capabilities of modern education. Today everyone knows that people can learn new things using the Internet and its resources.
However, few people know that social networks can also become an excellent lifesaver for teachers and educational business owners to attract new students and customers.
One of the best places for this purpose is Instagram and its opportunities for closer communication with potential clients and students.
Today we will talk about the possibility of engaging the audience through Instagram live video. This option allows account creators to actively communicate with users in real time, answer their questions and even conduct training sessions.
We’ll tell you how you, as a teacher, can use this format and what incentives to add to make the content attractive and engaging in terms of promotion.
Where to start?
First of all, you need to be sure that your live streams will get a lot of views. Without good statistics and engagement, all other efforts will be in vain. There are two ways: fast and long. Fast involves buying Instagram live video views, and this incentive is ideal for both beginners and experienced creators who already have followers and have grown their accounts.
The advantage of this method is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort to get a lot of new viewers; they’ll inevitably start coming after the growing statistics and views.
The long-term option for improving statistics is free methods. Such tactics require more of your efforts and time; they are suitable for those who are willing to wait. But the competition among educational accounts (and not only) is growing every day, which is why everyone says that social networks are too fast. It is best to use them as an addition to a third-party incentive, in which case the result will be more noticeable.
Gain traction through live streams
Free short online lessons
If you are creating online educational courses or conducting classes with students online, why not make some free useful lessons to attract new students? This is a great way to show your vision of learning, demonstrate your skills and give users useful information. People on the Internet love free lessons and are glad to visit them.
Most importantly, don’t forget to announce free online lessons in Stories or posts. Inform your audience about the live event in advance, approximately 24-28 hours in advance.
Question and answer
Every second, student asks a lot of questions about online learning: how are the lessons going? How will homework be checked? What subjects can really be studied online? etc. Answer the main questions of your audience!
Also, as in the previous method, announce live video in advance and promise followers to answer all their questions. By the way, in order to attract as many new students as possible to the live broadcast, offer all viewers a small discount on the first lesson. It works!
A story about your experience
On Instagram, students themselves choose who is the ideal teacher for them and who is not. So live video is a great tool to tell a little more about yourself.
Feel free to be real and show that your life is not limited only to work. You can make the story about the experience interesting. As an example, share a funny case from the lessons or tell about how you organized the lesson quest.
Featured image: Tippapatt, iStock.
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