
Industry News

Upcoming International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace

By Cait Etherington
April 27, 2017

While many professional conferences target researchers and others trainers or educators, from its inception, the International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace (ICELW) has sought to bring together researchers, consultants, trainers and instructional designers. It has also long sought to offer a space for eLearning experts across sectors and national boundaries to come into dialogue with the intent of sharing best practices.

The International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace’s ninth annual conference will take place at Columbia University from June 14 to 16. Sponsors include the New York Metro Chapter of the Association of Talent Development and the Columbia University Teachers College.  Over the course of the three-day conference, attendees will have ample opportunity to explore best practices in eLearning and discover how new technologies are currently transforming workplace eLearning initiatives nationwide and beyond.

Keynotes at the 2017 the International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace

ICELW homepageThe opening keynote will be delivered by Dr. Alicia Sanchez.  Based at the Defense Acquisition University, Sanchez has built over 50 games. In 2012, she founded Czarina Games, which is a company dedicated to the development and research of training and development focused games. Her keynote, “Games for Today, Tomorrow, and the Day after That,” will explore the use of games in eLearning, paying specific attention to how experiential games help students to practice and apply skills and knowledge gained in courses.

David H. Taylor, the chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute, will deliver the other keynote at this year’s International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace. With a background in training and software development, Taylor is a recognized expert on technology-supported learning and training and development. He also edits Inside Learning Technologies Magazine. Taylor will deliver a keynote on how our fast-changing world continues to impact learning and development both in higher education and the workplace. Among other topics, Taylor will explore the growing impact of artificial intelligence on eLearning.

Selected 2017 ICELW Panels and Workshop

Beyond the International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace’s keynotes, other highlights of this year’s conference include parallel sessions with talks by scholars and trainers from across the United States and from Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Austria, Australia, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Taiwan. Topics include panels focuses on new and emerging technologies (including augmented reality, 3D imagining and holographs); panels targeting workers in specific industries (e.g., pharmaceuticals and nursing); and panels on more surprising topics (e.g., a team of Brazilian researchers will present a paper titled, “A Pedagogical Architecture for Designing Digital Musical Instruments”). Whether one is a researcher, trainer or designer, the conference program will be of interest.

Attending the International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace

If you are interested in attending, registration details can be found on the ICELW conference site (notably, the conference offers a special discounted rate for full-time students). However, if you can’t attend, don’t worry. Not surprisingly, the the International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace carefully records and archives all of its conference proceedings (past proceedings can be accessed on its website), and this year, eLearning Inside News will also be there reporting on conference highlights and interviewing some of the most innovative researchers and trainers working in the eLearning field today.


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