By Henry Kronk May 22, 2018
3578 1
Much has been made for nearly the last two decades about digital natives in the context of education. First described by Marc Plensky in a 2001 landmark essay published in On the Horizon, these are the learners that grew up in the digital age. They spent more hours as young people watching TV or playing video games than they did reading. And, as some continue to complain today, they’re taught by digital immigrants.
By Henry Kronk May 14, 2018
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In 2006, the state of Michigan passed a controversial piece of education legislation known as the Michigan Merit Curriculum. The revamp required students to complete upper level STEM subjects and, among other things, take at least one online class. Known as the online learning requirement, it was intended to onboard students for a future of lifelong learning and a workplace that will exist largely online. But recent data suggest that the program hasn’t had the results lawmakers were hoping for.
By Henry Kronk January 03, 2018
2301 9
But while it made several investors rich, many also struggled to understand it. The terms ‘blockchain,’ ‘cryptocurrency,’ and the ‘mining’ of bitcoin aren’t exactly found in everyday parlance. For the more pragmatic types, the idea that an abstract algorithm could hold value and pay for real, tangible things was enough to turn them off completely.
By Sherman Morrison November 01, 2017
7676 1
It’s too early to say whether WOZ U will be able to deliver on its rather “full stack” of promises to transform tech education, but you can bet it will be something tech industry aficionados will be keeping an eye as the specifics of the venture continues to emerge.