How PIXO Decided to Develop a Gamified VR OSHA Training Module, and Why It’s Better than Your Typical Safety Course

By Henry Kronk March 31, 2018

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osha training

“Our gaming background means that we bring a very specific set of expertise to the table. It doesn’t mean that we’re making OSHA training as fun as playing soccer. It means that we know how to build really beautiful, expansive, immersive worlds in which the VR training takes place.”

Talent Development Is Key for Attracting the Best Employees, Says Dr. Brad Shuck

By Henry Kronk December 19, 2017

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we want to rethink the way that talent development is done, when we want to understand how this is going to actually move us forward, we have to be willing to color some elephants pink. And it’s going to take some courage for some of us to do some of those things, right? To have those conversations, to be bold, to make steps in that direction, we’re going to have to do some of that.

UL Announces On-Demand eLearning Site

By Henry Kronk November 17, 2017

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on-demand elearning

Subscribing to these on-demand eLearning training modules will allow employees to access them at any time. They are also available on any device.