Education Technology
Higher Education
5 Tips to Help Students Beat Studying Burnout
By eLearning Inside
July 05, 2022
A good teacher is capable of inculcating a whole new world of imagination and ideas in their students. With their creative ways of teaching, they can make complex concepts look simple and clear to follow. To really stimulate students, a great teaching strategy is essential, turning the classroom into a productive learning experience.
Not all students are the same and require different methods in their learning and retention. This understanding of the dissimilarities among various pupils in a class helps them develop wide-ranging activities and teaching strategies. The various teaching strategies can tap into the pulse of each student and create a dynamic environment where students learn from each other.
Teachers are professionals and often have an advanced education degree to understand full well how to train people coming from diverse backgrounds, help them identify and overcome their biases and capitalize on the unique qualities of each student in the class.
Show appreciation and encouragement
Teachers who resort to belittling their students and ripping them in front of others do not get positive outcomes. When students are knocked down and compared to others, they shy away from engaging in the class and ultimately receive nothing out of it. They are always unsure about their opinion and fear a reprimand from their teachers. On the contrary, a constructive way is to recognize the different learning abilities of students in the class, encouraging them to do more and praising them for milestones they achieve, however trivial they are.
In a classroom where encouragement and appreciation are a norm, students show significant improvement in their learning ability. So, keep a strict rule of no belittling, no shutting off opinions, and firm no to disrespecting others. These rules should apply to you and the students in their mutual interactions.
Promote collaborative learning
Students learn more when learning becomes a fun activity. You can create such a learning environment by letting students come out of their seats, interact with their other classmates, and work in groups. Later each group can present their work to the rest of the class to know what they have worked on. This exercise will also help them learn about working in teams, the efficacy of considering each other’s opinions, and the importance of each individual in promoting group success.
During this time, you might witness that students have disagreements with other teammates; they should be encouraged to solve their issues independently by offering necessary guidance. Don’t try to judge or take sides. This open and somewhat autonomous environment will develop natural leaders in your class. As time passes, you will see new leaders and followers evolve to keep group harmony intact.
Share real-life examples to teach a concept
This method is fast overcoming traditional teaching methods through bookish knowledge only. Instead of teaching a topic directly, start with a real-life example, a case study where that concept you intend to teach might have solved a problem. Share a case that is relatable and understandable. Later you can go through the bookish information, simultaneously linking the case study and theoretical knowledge.
This method reinforced by storytelling can significantly improve information retention in students. They are also able to better recall this concept at a later time. This way, you will teach them how real-life issues mirror the bookish information and how theory helps solve problems in reality.
There are various teaching techniques that can elevate the students’ learning ability in a classroom. The central idea of using all these approaches is to profit from the differential learning ability of various students. Some students are quick learners; others take a little more time. Developing strategies that are helpful for all the students create a learning atmosphere where everyone helps each other, respects their abilities, and does not feel threatened.
Further boost comes from the compassionate, non-judgmental, encouraging, and positive teacher feedback. Finally, allow them to voice their opinions using techniques and technologies that enhance their comfort in the class.
Featured image: Drazen Zigic, iStock.
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