Attitudes Toward Mobile Learning Split Down Socioeconomic Lines

By Henry Kronk December 22, 2017

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mobile learning

In 2012, the learning management system (LMS) giant, Blackboard, released a report detailing how the use of mobile learning and social media can create a personalized learning experience. BYOD (bring your own device) education was becoming viable, and parent/teacher support is changing in its favor, the report stated. “The prospect of a wireless device in every student’s hand with real-time assessment and feedback presents the potential for a sweeping paradigm shift to learner-centered education,” it said.

Study Explores Social Media and Mobile Use in Flipped Learning And Help-Seeking

By Henry Kronk November 30, 2017

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Flipped Learning

Chyr and his team published a study earlier this year titled “Exploring the Effects of Online Academic Help-Seeking and Flipped Learning on Improving Students’ Learning.” The study posed an interesting question. Instead of seeking to solve student isolation in an online setting, maybe changing teaching methods can help foster a more connected, collaborative online experience.

By Degrees’ English Test Prep App and How Danny Bielik Hopes to Use Mobile Devices to Teach English Learners

By Henry Kronk November 13, 2017

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test prep

“You can do stuff on mobiles that you can’t do on desktops. Think about being in the workplace and videoing a demonstration of performing a task competently.  How do you do that on a desktop?”

Forget Compatibility, Mobile Only Learning Is Coming

By Henry Kronk November 10, 2017

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Mobile-only learning

Today, mobile only learning sounds both like a risky business strategy and a potential turn off. But mobile only learning allows for designers to make their educational content for a mobile setting in the first place.