By Sherman Morrison October 04, 2017
7020 5
Gamifying Millennial eLearning is more than the mere fad many have made it out to be. Far from it, gamification may very well be the critical key that unlocks the door to Millennial engagement and retention in the workplace.
By Sherman Morrison October 03, 2017
6744 1
In part 1 of this two-part series, a more thorough understanding of Millennials as a generation was established in order to lay the groundwork needed to identify how eLearning can be shaped and tailored in ways that will shed further light on how eLearning retains Millennials. After all, it’s not just any eLearning that will […]
By Sherman Morrison September 29, 2017
5216 1
eLearning professionals must consider understanding Millennials, the first generation made up of tech-savvy digital natives, absolutely essential if they want to be successful at engaging and retaining this growing segment of the workforce.